Wednesday, 28 March 2018

the three fates of Greek poem

We will have met the success criteria when we
  • Can work out the meaning of new vocabulary.

  • Can independently locate and follow information within an explanation text.

  • Identify key words within a cloze activity.

  • Can create a basket to reflect our skills at reading and following instructions.

I struggled with not making my own basket but, the amount of times I showed others how to make there own and understand how to do surtine bits

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Wednesday weaving

sea poem

My sea poem

As the sea smashes,
And thumps when it crashes,
The fish still swim,
As I dive under water,
I see eel holes and a car rim,
So I get out so I can get my board,
I get in the water and oh lord,
I its a huge wave,
Right now I think I’m going to my grave,
This story is to be continued………

Bryce De Klerk 2018

novel study

safe cycling

Safe Cycling Skills - A statistical investigation

Question: Are Karoro School senior students safe cyclists on the roads?

Recently Room One students participated in a safe cycling skills programme facilitated by the
New Zealand Police.

Students learned about the correct way to wear their bicycle helmet. Helmets need to be tightened
you can use them otherwise it won't work as it's meant to. It will slip of bgy --p 0.loyour head. Make
sure the straps are not loose like make then so there adjacent and adjusted to right under your ears.

Then we needed to do the ‘N’ check. This is called the N cheek because the bike frame is in the
shape of
 letter n. To successfully do this you need to know what you're looking for things like scratches and
dents, brake cords are connected and word. Reflectors must be there and the tyres should be
pump up
properly. Start at the handle bars then go to the front wheel and the rim, then check the body and the
pedals and chain to the back wheel.

The road rules for a bike are: sigle by sicking out your arm the way your turning for three seconds.
Before you stick out your arm, look back to see if anybody is behind you. If you are gonna stop then
put up your left arm like that.

The second session involved a skills based session on the court. Students had to do an obstacle
course on our bikes. Some people wear nervous about it but they had a go at it anyway. It was easy
for me and I went fast though the hole thing over and over again.

Following the court session students participated in a road circuit skills session. There were
placed around the circuit and marks were given for using the following skills:

My marks were:

Approx 1 metre
from kerb
Scanning fo
r hazards
parked cars
Look behind before
hand signals
Correct hand
Look behind
after hand signals
% Average
Across Skills
You can view my scores in this graph that I put to gather of my scores.
1 metre from kerb:2
Scanning for hazards:0
Checking for parked cars:3
look before signals:4
Correct hand signals:5
Look after signiled:0

One of the collated graphs showed these results.  I think that this shows that room 1 done way
better on their second go on the bike course.

Friday, 16 March 2018

hermey poem/rap

Hermey The Hermit Crab

 When I look out my shell, I can see the sea,
The shimmering diamond blue water is calm as can be.
                                      So I head off to scavenge,

Sometimes it's a challenge.

I find some meat,
But, it smells like feet,
I stare into, the oceans  blue,
I slowly  turn and suddenly see
Mr krabs shoes
 So I squiggle away as fast as I can,
Then I ran into a frying pan,
I just had no rhyme.

By Bryce De Klerk, Clem Swinburn, and Zac Pattison
Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Image result for Hermit crab

Tuesday, 6 March 2018