Monday, 17 December 2018
Greymouth have the history of gold panning, jade hunting, and other stuff. These days we go aquatic centres and hockey turfs. Yay!!! greymouth in sometimes boring and sometimes fun because there is not much to do here except to to the swimming pool witch gets boring if you go there to often.
digi footprint
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Friday, 26 October 2018
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Kaniere Water Race Walkway
Comprehension and Retrieval Questions. Answer in full sentences.
- When was the water race built? The water race was built in 1875.
- Why was the water race built? The gold miners used its water for gold mining.
- How was the race modified in 1907? The race was modified by two iron pipes and an extra few meters were installed, dropping the last 80 meters.
- Where was the flax mill? The flax mill was near kanerie
Vocabulary Questions. Answer in full sentences in the context of the story.
- What is a sluice? The sluice shoots out water to clean away dirt.
- What is a scenic reserve? A scenic reserve is when the track goes in two ways
- What is timber? Timber is wood that was used to help with fluming
- What is a flume? fluming allows the water race to cross gullies.
Inference. Answer in full sentences.
- Who do you think would have benefited most from the building of the water race and how? I think that the miners used it the most out of everyone because they needed the water for mining.
- Why do you think the water race was built from timber? Because there was a lot of it and it was easy to work with and its strong.
- Why was the water race abandoned only six years after it was built? Because there was no more gold and they didn't need it anymore.
Difficult Investigative Questions. Answer in full sentences.
- How much would £23,800 in 1875 convert to in $s today? $47193.81 is equal to £23,800.
- How far is it to travel from Lake Kaniere at ‘The Landing” to the township of Ross? They are 9 km away from each other.
- What happened in a New Zealand flax mill? How many flax mills have been on the west coast of Aotearoa/New Zealand, te Tai Poutini?
- Choose one nga manu / bird or nga rakau / tree mentioned in the reading. Research and present an information report on your chosen animal or plant.
Do I understand participating and contributing?

Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my environment this week: this week I picked up other people's rubbish off the ground.
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my family this week: This week I did my jobs.
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to the local community this week: I haven't.=(
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to the global world this week: This week i posted on my blog.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Thursday, 13 September 2018
my poem on nothing
This is my poem on nothing
When I'm doing nothing this is what I do
I sit down and do nothing not even listen to a bird chirp
I open my my mouth and take a huge burp
I will sit down the whole day
Just for nothing not even to go play
I don't want to shoot someone with a gun
I don't want to have any fun
The only thing I do is be a silent Steve
At the end of the day the sky will fall
then I will have to leave
When my mum asks me “How was your day?”
This is what I will say
I played the nothing game
And today was very lame
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
One day 10CH from grey high walked to karoro school
to teach us a game called te uru. At the start we played
seaweed to warm up. Then we did some drills. The first
one my group was a passing one where you had to pass
the ball to somebody in our group and say their name.
If you done a bad pass or didn't catch the ball you will be out.
to teach us a game called te uru. At the start we played
seaweed to warm up. Then we did some drills. The first
one my group was a passing one where you had to pass
the ball to somebody in our group and say their name.
If you done a bad pass or didn't catch the ball you will be out.
Next Two dudes go in the middle and the rest make a
circle around then and passed the ball to each other.
While the people in the centre try to block the ball from
getting to the others.
circle around then and passed the ball to each other.
While the people in the centre try to block the ball from
getting to the others.
Then we played the game.
By Bryce
This author has been very smart and intelligent with his writing. This author is trying to persuade the reader. The author has got an equally bios way for good and against Refugees if you read it forwards. If you 
read it backwards it's welcome the refugees.
one In way is agreeing and the other is disagreeing with the refugees.
In our minds we think refugees should get a second chance for life. These people are in need, help then when it's possible.
By Cullam Zac and Bryce
st johns
2018 term 3 St Johns on monday a st johns
lady came to our school teach room 1 how to save lives
and important stuff. We learned how to bringing someone
back from the dead but we only had two minutes.
lady came to our school teach room 1 how to save lives
and important stuff. We learned how to bringing someone
back from the dead but we only had two minutes.
We heart it incase we find somebody that needs that
treatment or in an emergency when there isn't anyone
around you
treatment or in an emergency when there isn't anyone
around you
We found it valuable and useful for when or if we find
somebody on the ground.
somebody on the ground.
Before you do anything check if there awake by yelling
out there name or say “hey hey wake up,” and if not tape
them hard on them collar bone. If they still don’t get up, then
you perform CPR. If perform CPR for 1-2 hours and you can't
go and more then you can stop.
out there name or say “hey hey wake up,” and if not tape
them hard on them collar bone. If they still don’t get up, then
you perform CPR. If perform CPR for 1-2 hours and you can't
go and more then you can stop.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
The Tail Of Jim And Joe
The Tail Of Jim And Joe
On one horrible, wet day, at a disastrous place Jim and Joe were cornered….
In a corner DUN DUN DUN!
In a corner DUN DUN DUN!
“You two boys better have wrighten 3 whole paragraphs by the time I get
back!” roared Miss Heggholmen.
back!” roared Miss Heggholmen.
“Yes Mrs Hedgehog, I mean Heggholmen,” Jim stuttered
“Yes and its Miss not Mrs,” she said with a rough flute in her voice.
“Does that mean your married?” Joe questioned the teacher.
“DOES IT MATTER TO YOU!” she growled.
The two boys fist pumped and laughed a little.
Then she walked quickly away. As she did so she kicked her ankle on a solid
metal desk leg.
metal desk leg.
“Immffff!” she groaned as she went. Her face went as green as Shrek and her
eyes popped out and went black and bland as an empty universe…. She
bolted to the window and jumped through and fell flat on her face from an eight
story school. She was never seen since then, or so it would seem……
eyes popped out and went black and bland as an empty universe…. She
bolted to the window and jumped through and fell flat on her face from an eight
story school. She was never seen since then, or so it would seem……
Three weeks later
In the hood
“Hey Jim, you gotta try them cheetos man, they’re dope as chips!” exclaimed
“That's because they are, also where did you get them?” asked Jim
“That rubbish bin over there.”
Joe pointed at a rubbish bin about ten meters away.
“Yuk!” Jim pulled back.
“Just kidding dude. I stole them from Miss Hedgehogs bag. Ha fail for her
“Yeah right.”
“No really, it was a fail.”
“I know it was a fail. It’s called being sarcastic.”
“What every.”
“It’s whatever not what every,” said Joe.
They jogged smoothly home to the taco shop that they owned for a decade.
As the two opened the door to Jim’s room they saw Miss Heggholmen
standing there, breathing rapidly and heavily. She picked up the boys by their
necks and pulled harder and harder until their heads popped off. Boing! the
heads went as they hit the roof.
As the two opened the door to Jim’s room they saw Miss Heggholmen
standing there, breathing rapidly and heavily. She picked up the boys by their
necks and pulled harder and harder until their heads popped off. Boing! the
heads went as they hit the roof.
“And thats what happened to Jim and Joe,” said a camp leader sitting with
20 kids around a campfire roasting marshmallows.
20 kids around a campfire roasting marshmallows.
Bills marshmallow caught fire. As Bill went to bed, he shut the door and……
“SCREECH,” went Bill and he was never seen again.
And thats what happened to Bill, Jim and Joe,” said a camp leader sitting
with 15 kids around a campfire roasting marshmallows.
with 15 kids around a campfire roasting marshmallows.
Toby’s marshmallow caught fire. As Toby went to bed, he shut the door
“SCREECH,” went Toby and he was never seen again.
And thats what happened to Bill, Jim, Toby and Joe,” said a camp leader
sitting with 67 kids around a campfire roasting marshmallows. Abby’s
marshmallow caught fire.
sitting with 67 kids around a campfire roasting marshmallows. Abby’s
marshmallow caught fire.
As Abby went to bed, she shut the door and……
“SCREECH,” Went Abby and she was never seen again.
“And thats what happened to Abby Bill Jim Toby and Joe,”
said a camp leader sitting with 44 kids around a campfire roasting
News in dimension: 6743
A kid called Bill was murdered at camp
News in dimension: 5632
A kid called Toby was murdered at camp
News in dimension: 9934
A kid called Abby was murdered at camp
News in dimension: 65884
Some kids called Jim and Joe were murdered in their own taco shop.
Well that is not the end of the story yet. The police came to the taco shop
to get some clue on who the murderer was in dimension: 65884. They found
an unknown guky sort of oblic on the ground. It was green and looked like it
was from from a humongous nose. The cops had collected a sample of it and
scooped it up with the jar lid. The alpha cop ordered the others to check the
cameras while he go and get the donuts and coffee. “Well boss, how do we
even know there are cameras in here?” questioned John
to get some clue on who the murderer was in dimension: 65884. They found
an unknown guky sort of oblic on the ground. It was green and looked like it
was from from a humongous nose. The cops had collected a sample of it and
scooped it up with the jar lid. The alpha cop ordered the others to check the
cameras while he go and get the donuts and coffee. “Well boss, how do we
even know there are cameras in here?” questioned John
“Well Jonh how do we know your a real cop?” stated the Alpha. He took off his
deep, dark, black shades and pulled a very serious face. John took a couple
steps back.
deep, dark, black shades and pulled a very serious face. John took a couple
steps back.
“Bye now I’m hungry,” soothed the Alpha cop.
He ran to the car looking for them but the next thing he knew, was he was l
ocked in the back seat.
ocked in the back seat.
The cops found nothing, not even donuts. They left in disappointment.
John ran back to the crime site with a smile on his face and slight tears
coming out of hs eyes. He remembers about the cameras he ran to the
camera room. He looked at the cameras all he got was a part of the boys
shirts. The next camra was zoomed in at the crown on their heads. And
camera C is the last camera in the room. But its was broken it buffered and
glitched and finally it cut out just like that. John quit the job in depression And
shot himself with a water gun.
John ran back to the crime site with a smile on his face and slight tears
coming out of hs eyes. He remembers about the cameras he ran to the
camera room. He looked at the cameras all he got was a part of the boys
shirts. The next camra was zoomed in at the crown on their heads. And
camera C is the last camera in the room. But its was broken it buffered and
glitched and finally it cut out just like that. John quit the job in depression And
shot himself with a water gun.
As the mystery was thought to continue, until every body gives up and and
Miss Heggholmen continuous with a killing streak for the rest of her dimension
hopping life.
Miss Heggholmen continuous with a killing streak for the rest of her dimension
hopping life.
The end.
By Bryce 2018.
.8102 ecyrB yB
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
- What is the abbreviation for the International Space Station? Answer = ISS
- The International Space Station orbits the Earth how many times in a day? Answer = 16
- How high above the Earth is the International Space Station’s orbit? Answer = 400 km or 320 km
- Many countries have worked together to build the International Space Station. How many countries does the article state? Answer = 16
- Why is the International Space Station one of the brightest objects in the night sky? Answer = Because of its large solar panels
- What direction does the International Space Station move in? Answer = clockwise around the earth
- What is the main purpose behind the Columbus lab on the International Space Station? Answer = scientific experiments
8. How did ‘Columbus’ get to the International Space Station? By a spaceship called LCC-cargo carrier
The International Space Station is the biggest object ever flown in space. It travels around the Earth at an average speed of 27,700 km/h, completing 16 orbits per day. 16 countries worked together to build the Station. The biggest ISS project is the Columbus science laboratory, where astronauts can carry out scientific experiments in weightless conditions. Its large solar panels make it one of the brightest objects in the night sky. It rises above the western horizon until it sets towards the east. The International Space Station (ISS) is used for many scientific experiments. Columbus was delivered to the ISS by Shuttle Atlantis. Six crew are now able to live and work on board Scientists are also able to study the behaviour of many different materials in microgravity. Some experiments take place outside Columbus, in open space.
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