Monday, 19 June 2017

fidgit spinner


  1. Well Bryce, so that means we cannot get you one of these fidget spinners for your Birthday then..

  2. hi bryce its Daniel here this is really funny bye

  3. Hi Bryce, it's Clem, here I like that you described clearly how you don't like fidget spinners, I agree with you. Also this is a good piece of persuasive writing.

  4. Hello Bryce,
    This is a really good piece of persuasive writing about fidget spinners are distracting. I agree that fidget spinners are distracting in class and they we shouldn't be allowed them. I have really enjoyed this work.
    From Nathan.

  5. Hi Bryce I like your work on fidget spinners. It's cool. I sort of like fidget spinners but I only like them when I'm out of school but I like your work so bye.

  6. Hi Bryce
    I really liked the way that you have got lots of information. I also agree that they are very distracting and they are probably are a waist of money. This is a really good piece of writing. I really enjoyed it. From Zac


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